Thursday, September 9, 2010

we are alive and well

hi world out there.

we are still in existence even if our blog is no proof.

in july and august me and the girls, and then kyle made our way from florida out to utah in search of a job. after looking in florida for a job, we decided utah was the place. on tuesday the 10th of august, kyle started driving from florida to utah and arrived in utah thursday the 12th. on friday, the 13th of august, kyle interviewed for a job. saturday the 14th, kyle was offered the job. monday, the
16th, they wanted him to begin training. we were so thrilled!!! the job training is here in utah but the job will be in kentucky. we are moving there soon to start our life as kentuckians.

we are so grateful kyle gets to train here so we can be blessed to be with all the family we have here in utah. and when we move to kentucky, we will be 6 hours away from my sis shay and her clan in south carolina- yeah! and we will be very close to some friends in west virginia and some other friends in north carolina. we also have friends very close in ohio. and yet more friends about 5 hours away in indiana! hooray for friends and family!

welp, just checkin' in and now i'm checkin' out. later.


Beth said...

Kentucky! That's almost as prestigious as Harbor Park, which is where I wanted you to move. Oh well! It all sounds very exciting, especially the part about Kyle not being in school anymore and you guys actually bringing home a real paycheck. Hooray!

eebs said...

Congratulations to you guys. That's great news-though I must admit I was sad to keep reading and see the job wasn't in Utah (where I'm more likely to run into you than Kentucky..). How long are you cats going to be in Utah? My birthday party is going to be in Provo on Oct 9th--It would be awesome if you guys could come.

Anonymous said...

congratulations Kyle! I'm so happy for you guys. Kentucky....Well, I've never had a reason to go there before. Where in Kentucky are you giong to be living?

nicole said...

wow i missed this post. Didn't realize you guys had relocated to Kentucky! How are you liking it there? That is awesome how quickly everything fell into place! We are in the middle of a big decision about where to relocate to as well. We really had our hearts set on North Carolina (and have flown done twice this year to check out apartments and such), but no job offers from down there. Instead Matt has less than a week to respond to a job offer up here in CT. Decisions!